Wednesday, June 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 17

Something You're Looking Forward To

It's pretty generic, but I'm just looking forward to having a day off from work! I've been working a lot lately, sometimes all day and night since I have two jobs, so it's nice to have a day where I don't have to worry about being anywhere. I had a few days off at the end of May, but I was house-sitting, so I still had to make sure I was around for that... The last time I had a "real" vacation, that is, a time where I actually went somewhere besides places around my area, was a few years ago. I suppose I can contribute that to lack of funds, but I also feel obligated to stay home because of my pets, and the fact that my mom has to take care of them if I'm not home. Hopefully in a couple of months I will feel stable enough take a week for myself.

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