Thursday, June 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 18

Favorite Place to Eat

This used to be my favorite place. Well, it still is, but they don't have any in my area anymore. It was pretty much like Texas Roadhouse, where you get the big rolls and buckets of peanuts. (Any of you guys out there know what I'm talking about?) My favorite thing to get was the pork chops.

We've had a lot of family birthday dinners here, and we always have a great time. It helps that you have "endless" breadsticks and salad, but we also normally get good service and the prices are not too expensive (for the most part). We have two locations that are close to us, so that's also pretty nice.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 17

Something You're Looking Forward To

It's pretty generic, but I'm just looking forward to having a day off from work! I've been working a lot lately, sometimes all day and night since I have two jobs, so it's nice to have a day where I don't have to worry about being anywhere. I had a few days off at the end of May, but I was house-sitting, so I still had to make sure I was around for that... The last time I had a "real" vacation, that is, a time where I actually went somewhere besides places around my area, was a few years ago. I suppose I can contribute that to lack of funds, but I also feel obligated to stay home because of my pets, and the fact that my mom has to take care of them if I'm not home. Hopefully in a couple of months I will feel stable enough take a week for myself.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 16

Dream House

Wow. I've never thought much about it before because having my own house seems so far away. I do know that I'd love to have a home theater system since I like to watch movies; having a big popcorn maker in that room would be pretty cool, too. A pool would be nice, maybe a tennis court so I can learn to play, and even a playground would be fun, even if I don't have kids. haha I also like those houses where you can see down into the whole bottom of the house from the second floor; I guess that's called a balcony. Oh, and while we're talking about balconys, having a private one to look outside from my bedroom would be cool. :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 15

Bible Verse

As I've said before, I am a Christian, and I do attend church at least twice a week, so there are a TON of verses I could give you, but I won't do that... LOL I'll just a name a couple that are most important to me and/or are just my favorite ones.

-Romans 12:19 (King James Version)
"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."
I like this one because it makes me feel safe, that no matter what I do or what someone else does, we will get what we truly deserve.

- Matthew 17:20 (KJV)
"And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
It's nice to know that I could do ANYTHING. I don't know if I'll ever have *that* much faith, but I can surely try.

- John 14:27 (KJV)
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
This has slightly more meaning to me because one of my tattoos is a world with a peace sign through it, and I always wanted to find a verse that would go along with that.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 14

A Picture Of You Last Year - How Have You Changed?

Well, for starters, I don't have short bangs anymore. I may regret posting this particular photo because I think I look like very boyish in it... Boo. Anyway, as far as physical changes go, I may or may not have gained *some* weight, and I've already talked about the bangs, but my hair in general is quite a bit longer because I decided I wanted to donate it eventually. I especially chose this picture because at this time last year, I was WAY more into makeup. I used to wear makeup a lot more, and I would take a picture of it every time I wore it. For instance, this picture came in a set of pictures I took to show swatches on my lips of the new lipsticks I got. Well, I still like makeup a whole lot, but I have gotten really lazy with putting much on. If I do, it's usually for church, which is once or twice a week.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 13


This is kind of hard because I am not the really the person who says, "By X day I will have X done." It's more of "Well, I need to get this done, so I will just slowly do it and then hurry, hurry, hurry when it's right at the last second." LOL I wouldn't say I'm exactly a procratinator because at work, I like to get everything done first, and then sit and relax when I'm done. At home I guess I don't have much to do, so nothing I have to do can't wait. I don't know if that's good or bad. I know they say you should set goals for yourself...but I guess I just don't have any. I'm more of a person that just tries to be happy and do whatever does that for me.

Friday, June 24, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 12

Something You Don't Leave The House Without

Well, duh, I HAVE to have my keys, but oddly enough, I only have 2 keys on there - my car key & my house key. haha Other things include various rewards cards, a flashlight that no longer works, a mini Eiffel Tower that my co-worker recently brought me back from Paris, and a little bird key chain from Old Navy. :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 11

Favorite T.V. Shows

These are the shows I watch regularly. I know it seems like a lot, but honestly, most of the time I'm not home to watch them; I get them online through one way or another and stay up late catching up on them. haha


There are a few others shows that I like to watch, but I think I am overpowering this post with pictures. LOL If you want to know if I like it, just ask. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 10

Something You're Afraid Of

the dark. Hands down.

It just freaks me out to look out into the dark and not be able to see anything or to hear noises and wonder if it's a person coming to get me or some scary thing about to jump out. Now I don't sleep with a nightlight, but a lot of times I will turn lights on soley just to walk down the hallway or to go switch the alarm on. What's funny, too, is that I love scary movies! lol

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 9

A Favorite Picture of Your Best Friend

She might get mad at me for posting this...but I don't care. LOL (She doesn't read blogs anyway.) Anyway, this is my friend Lilian. She isn't the person I've known the longest, but she is probably the person that knows the most about me, apart from my Internet friends whom I've never met. I met her when I first started working at my current job, which I started back in March of 2006. She was always good about including me and making me welcome and always invited me out when she went out to the movies after work. She's one of those people that everyone likes because she just has "that way" about her. She's open and honest and willing to befriend pretty much anyone. It makes it easy to talk to her because I know she doesn't judge my mistakes or the things I do that she doesn't agree with. Even though we don't work together anymore, I try to keep in touch with her as much as possible, and we try to hang out whenever I have a free day and/or night. I need to get better about that actually... Oh, and that picture above is from last year when the remake of "Friday the 13th" came out ON Friday the 13th. That model thing was in the movie theater, and we had a lot of fun taking pictures in it! lol

Monday, June 20, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 8

Not that anyone is reading this, but I do apologize for skipping Saturday & Sunday. Saturday I just forgot, and Sunday I purposely skipped because I wasn't feeling well. But now I'm back at my 9-5 and on track... lol

A Place You've Traveled To

I have never traveled outside of the U.S., but that's ok because there are a lot of cool places here. As a kid, our family traveled a lot more because we have family in other states, but once we got older and funds became more limited, we traveled less and less, so I started to try and do things on my own when I could. Thankfully, I had friends in high school that loved to go out and do things, so they really helped me branch out and try new things.

I think my favorite trip I have taken so far would be to California. That was a big trip, and I spent a good amount of money on it, probably the first time I got a credit card. I believe it was back in 2004, possibly the year before. It's been a while. haha I got to go to Knotts Berry Farm, Six Flags, the San Diego Zoo, City Walk & Universal Studios park, Venice Beach, Grauman's Chinese Theatre, and a lot of walking around the area. The boyfriend of my best friend at the time grew up there, so we also got to visit his family and do some driving around seeing some of the places he used to hang out at. It was the coolest thing I ever did, and from the looks of my finances now, the coolest thing I ever will do. I am currently not at my home computer, so I will just google some pictures of the things I got to see... :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 7

Favorite Movies

Back to the Future - grew up with it, always loved it

Connie & Carla - pretty much a big fat musical w/ a really awesome moral to the story

Garden State - some of my favorite actors, Natalie Portman's is so cute in it!

Away We Go - love me some John Krasinski, but this movie says a lot about life, very "real"

Encino Man - I will ALWAYS watch this if it's on TV, just a really fun movie

Shawshank Redemption - seen it a billion times, never gets old

Thursday, June 16, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 6

A Picture of Something That Makes You Happy

(I'm going to post more than one there. lol)

How can you say this is NOT cute?! AWWWWWWW!

Would love to see a sight like this someday. Something about the greenness of the Earth and the water perfecting flowing is just awe-inspiring...

To know that love can last THIS long is good to know. xoxo

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 5

A Song To Match Your Mood

Well, today I am at work, just got here, and it would probably be something saying I don't want to work. HA!

I also really like this song because of the music; it reminds me of the beach. It would be a perfect song for driving along the coast or just for on a day where you're driving around running errands or with nothing better to do. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 4

Your Parents

My dad can sometimes have a bad first impression. A lot of times people will think he is gruff or mean or just not friendly, and that's really not the case. I think he is a little shy maybe, and that's why people just assume; if you don't talk to someone and get to know them, you can have whatever impression you want, even if it's wrong. Well, he's a great Dad, and he's always been there for me, always there to help me whenever I need, always came to my school functions, always encouraging, never tried to get me to be something I didn't want to be. Sure, he can have short temper and he used to be a little strict, but I think that's made me be a responsible and good person, and I don't fault him for that. I love him...of course. I think this picture I chose is perfect - that's our neighbor's kid, and he's giving her a ride on the lawn mower, and it just goes to show how fun-loving and sweet he can be.

    My mom - well, like most moms, she's the backbone of the family. She cleans, cooks, does the laundry, even pays all the bills. Now my dad does work, but he turns to her for a lot of help. She makes all the appointments and all the phone calls, and she goes with him to everything. Of course, he does the same for her since she doesn't have a drivers license (says it's just always made her really nervous). Oddly enough, even being the way she is, my dad is usually the calm one in situations where we were hurt or needed help with the car or something. BUT - my mom is a strong mom, and just like my dad, was ALWAYS there for us when we needed her. She was a stay-at-home mom until I was in 11th grade of high school. My friends would come over and get food from her, even if none of us were home. haha

    Monday, June 13, 2011

    30 Day Challenge - Day 3

    Your First Love

    I could be cheeky and say my first love was my parents... lol But I won't, seeing as how one of the days on this challenge is to talk about them. If we want to talk about relationships, well, I could say that my first love was my first boyfriend. However, we all know that real love takes more than just a month and a kiss on the hand, so that won't fly either. I had another boyfriend after that, and I suppose I loved him, too, but again, that relationship only lasted a year, and it was obvious that he didn't love me back, so I don't think that qualifies either. Then there's the close friend I was talking about in the previous challenge day, but like I said, I don't really like talking about that, but just know that I definitely loved him...but he wasn't the first thing I loved.

    "Ok Caryn, stop beating around the bush and just tell us already!" haha

    Ok. Ok. My first love would definitely have to be singing. My mom says that even before I started talking, I was singing! We used to have a cassette tape of a recording of it, but unfortunately, I can't find it anywhere. I'd like to think it was because my parents went to a concert of Pat Benetar's before I was even out of the womb. Or maybe it was because my mom always sang us to sleep every night until I got old enough to not care as much. Whatever the case, I've always loved to sing, and fortunately, I was and still am good at it. :)

    Sunday, June 12, 2011

    30 Day Challenge - Day 2

    Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

    I originally started this blog after a very close friend passed away. It was suggested by aunt that I have an "outlet" to voice my feelings, since I really didn't feel like talking about it. Well, I guess that's how "C'est La Vie" started - it means "That's life" in French, and it was my way of saying, "Well, things happen, but you have to pick yourself back up and start over." The quote underneath the title goes along with my story. Being in a relationship is EXTREMELY hard, but it's also equally hard, if not more so, to be without one, so....yeah. I'm sure you all know what it's like. At least, I hope you do.


    Saturday, June 11, 2011

    30 Day Challenge - Day 1

    Introduce, Recent Picture of Yourself, 15 Interesting Facts

    Hello. My name is Caryn. I am 28 years old...and I live with my parents. haha Well, yes, I do, but unfortunately, my current full-time job AND my part-time job don't pay me enough to move out on my own quite yet. But that's okay, because my parents are cool, and I don't have weird curfew limits or every day fights with them and I don't mind making my bed or taking out the trash occasionally. And maybe it's because I'm a Christian (go to church every Sunday and Wednesday) or maybe it's just because I'm awesome. ;)

    1. I have two dogs, but I LOVE all kinds of animals.
    2. I have two tattoos, both on my back, so no one really ever sees them.
    3. I am the middle child; I have two brothers.
    4. I mostly made A's in school, except for one C in elementary school, and one C in 11th grade. That landed me graduating 4th in my class of 2001!
    5. I was in the "gifted" program from first grade until I graduated. We got to go on a bunch of really cool field trips.
    6. When I started middle school, I wanted to play the violin, but my mom encouraged me to take Chorus instead...and I was in it until my 3rd semester of college. :)
    7. I am left-handed, but when I broke my left arm in 3rd grade, I had to learn to be "ambidextrous", and ever since, I can write with both hands fairly well. Actually, most things I do right-handed, besides eat or write.
    8. When I was younger, a friend showed me how to make a star out of a rubber band, and it's probably the one secret talent I have.
    9. I am realizing that I'm a clumsy person, but when I do really dumb stuff, I tell people anyway because I think it's funny, and it probably should embarass me...but it doesn't.
    10.My friends from the Internet know more about me than my friends in real life.
    11.Ever since I saw the movie "You've Got Mail", my favorite flower is the daisy.
    12.In middle school, I threw a boy's watch in the trash because I didn't like him (yes, I know very mean), but we became friends later on, and I never told him I did it until after we graduated high school. haha
    13.I like Slim Jims.
    14.If I was a prisoner of war, and I was being tortured, I think I would go crazy if someone withheld chapstick from me. Seriously.
    15.I had some weird family coicidences with an old boyfriend of mine - his mom's and my mom's birthday were the same AND his brother and my brother's middle name was the same.

    Friday, June 10, 2011

    The 30 Day Challenge

    So it appears that I don't finish a lot of things that I start. Which is fine because I always finish the things I'm supposed to, at least, the ones I'll get in trouble for if I don't finish them. haha Anyway, I know it's not the beginning of the month, but I would LOVE to actually do one of these challenges for a change. There was one floating around Facebook that was similar, mostly related to song choices, and I tried starting it a couple times, but just forgot about it. I really would like to start up my blog again, so here goes...

    Day 0: The 30 Day Challenge Explanation and Description Day
    There are 30 "questions" that you are asked to give your answer to, not including today's "Day 0" to explain it. Every day I will post the next question, with pictures and/or links showing what things I like or whatever describes and applies to me. I will list all of them below, just in case you would like to do this for yourself.

    Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts
    Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
    Day 3: Your first love
    Day 4: Your parents
    Day 5: A song to match your mood
    Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
    Day 7: Favorite movies
    Day 8: A place you've traveled to
    Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
    Day 10: Something you're afraid of
    Day 11: Favorite tv shows
    Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
    Day 13: Goals
    Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
    Day 15: Bible verse
    Day 16: Dream house
    Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
    Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat
    Day 19: Something you miss
    Day 20: Nicknames
    Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?
    Day 22: What's in your purse?
    Day 23: Favorite Movie
    Day 24: Something you've learned
    Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
    Day 26: Your Dream Wedding
    Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in
    Day 28: Something that stresses you out
    Day 29: 3 Wishes
    Day 30: A picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge

    ***Note: I did find this challenge on this blog: I don't think it's their original questions, but just in case... ***